My EDLD Experience at Lamar

I am so excited to finish my first course in my Master’s program at Lamar University. This first course has been a huge step for me, personally, in many ways. I did not think I would ever get to go back to grad school, but this year I got an opportunity to try, and I’m so glad I did. Continue reading “My EDLD Experience at Lamar”

My Professional Learning Network (PLN)


I am actually too fortunate as a connected educator, because I have too many personal learning networks to keep up with.  As both an Apple Distinguished Educator and PBS Digital Innovator*, both groups have very active online sharing through members-only forums, and there is a monthly #ADEchat.  At my state level, there is a very small-but-growing Twitter chat group called #WVEDCHAT. This group exists mainly on Twitter, but we get together sometimes for in-person events at the State Technology Conference, and last month, we hosted our own Edcamp.  In my district, I am an Apple Vanguard Coach, and we have our own Twitter chat and in-person PD opportunities.  Lastly, I am a member of a great Facebook Art Teachers group that started out years ago as a listserv through the Getty Center for Education in the Arts.  That group is probably my favorite, because many of us have become lifelong friends, and I love seeing what goes on in my friends’ classrooms.  Many of the teachers in this group have blogs and post amazing lesson plan and classroom problem solvers online.  I have a difficult time keeping up with all the groups.  I am bad at logging into the ADE and PBS forums because they are immense and I just don’t take the time to do it as often as I would like to.  Also, the ADE chat happens the same time as #WVEDCHAT, and though I can follow both with Tweetdeck, it is usually late at night and I’m too tired to keep up. Continue reading “My Professional Learning Network (PLN)”