My EDLD Experience at Lamar

I am so excited to finish my first course in my Master’s program at Lamar University. This first course has been a huge step for me, personally, in many ways. I did not think I would ever get to go back to grad school, but this year I got an opportunity to try, and I’m so glad I did. Continue reading “My EDLD Experience at Lamar”

My Professional Learning Network (PLN)


I am actually too fortunate as a connected educator, because I have too many personal learning networks to keep up with.  As both an Apple Distinguished Educator and PBS Digital Innovator*, both groups have very active online sharing through members-only forums, and there is a monthly #ADEchat.  At my state level, there is a very small-but-growing Twitter chat group called #WVEDCHAT. This group exists mainly on Twitter, but we get together sometimes for in-person events at the State Technology Conference, and last month, we hosted our own Edcamp.  In my district, I am an Apple Vanguard Coach, and we have our own Twitter chat and in-person PD opportunities.  Lastly, I am a member of a great Facebook Art Teachers group that started out years ago as a listserv through the Getty Center for Education in the Arts.  That group is probably my favorite, because many of us have become lifelong friends, and I love seeing what goes on in my friends’ classrooms.  Many of the teachers in this group have blogs and post amazing lesson plan and classroom problem solvers online.  I have a difficult time keeping up with all the groups.  I am bad at logging into the ADE and PBS forums because they are immense and I just don’t take the time to do it as often as I would like to.  Also, the ADE chat happens the same time as #WVEDCHAT, and though I can follow both with Tweetdeck, it is usually late at night and I’m too tired to keep up. Continue reading “My Professional Learning Network (PLN)”

Growth Mindset (Video Text)


The Four Steps

I have been reading about the Growth Mindset in Carol Dweck’s book, Mindset,  and it has inspired me to push harder to stifle my fixed mindset and nurture my growth mindset in my personal and professional life.  I am fortunate that the school district in which I am teaching has already started to expose teachers to the Growth Mindset idea, so I have a little background experience with using the Growth Mindset in my classroom.  

The idea is that there are two mindsets.  The fixed mindset is the voice that makes us want to stay where we are; to not take risks, and tells us that we really can’t change our trajectory in life.  The growth mindset is what spurs us to try new things, and to move beyond our comfort zone, even if we make some mistakes, because that’s necessary for growth.   Continue reading “Growth Mindset (Video Text)”